Flash „Mermaid“ by Lotte at Malört


Our finished disposable sheets with temporary tattoos are approximately 20×15 cm large and filled with the design you see in the picture. To ensure your satisfaction, we will print and send the sheet within 24 hours after you have ordered. This sheet is designed by the talented tattoo artist Lotte at Malört in Malmö.

Kaufe Fake-Tattoos | Design vom Tätowierer Lotte bei Malört

This is Lotte: I’m a Tattooer from Norway. I started as an apprentice in 2009 and I have been working in England and Denmark before I but ended up in wonderful Malmö, where I co-own a beautiful shop called Malört Tatuering.
I love drawing, painting and tattooing in colour and black and grey. I hope you enjoy these illustrations.

Get in touch with LOTTE




Malört Tatuering @malortmalmo


Friisgatan 10, 211 46 MALMÖ

Hemsida: www.malortmalmo.se